Banyule City Council


Social Connections Framework for Older Adults

Government policies, international research and individual experience have confirmed the link between meaningful social connections and living a healthy and fulfilling life. Banyule City Council’s Social Connections Framework for Older Adults (the Framework) aims to promote and support social connection opportunities for older adults by identifying a suite of principles to guide Council’s role and activities in relation to social inclusion and social participation for older adults. The Framework includes the following elements:

  • Desired Outcomes: what Council would like to achieve from the perspective of older adults in the City of Banyule

  • Guiding Principles: how Council should consider, direct or focus activities

  • Functions: what levers and activities Council can utilise to contribute to and progress towards, desired outcomes

The Framework is a step towards supporting a new “business as usual” that utilises a social connection lens across all of Council’s business. Ongoing development and application of the framework will guide thinking about how Banyule City Council could use its people, assets and programs differently, reflecting the evolving role of local government from service provider to ‘connector’ and ‘facilitator’.

The Framework was developed through a series of co-design workshops with Council staff from a wide range of different business units (not just aged & disability or community services) to consider the best use of the collective resources and leadership of Banyule City Council and local communities.

The Framework was tested and refined considering its application for a specific project: informing the design of the new Bellfield Community Hub. Workshop participants referred to the draft framework outcomes, principles and functions and considered:

  • how the community hub should be utilised?

  • what process should be used to design the new community hub?

  • what design features should be incorporated?

The workshop both validated and assisted in refining the draft framework. Importantly, application of the framework should support the achievement of better community outcomes and improving how Council performs activities.

Client Testimonial

“Initial work with INCITE information focussed on data mining, presentation and analysis of service data to compliment demographic and health data prepared for the “Living Well 50+ data story” on behalf of a network of health and aged care managers in the LGA.  

The accurate, well presented results delivered on time and budget reflected well considered project establishment, including thoughtful clarification of not only the specific outputs required, but also the broader purpose of the project.  The quality technical, analytical and strategic skills demonstrated together with genuine commitment to a collaborative approach essential for this project led to a number of diverse projects for the network and Council.

INCITE information consistently enhanced project outcomes by their commitment to understand the challenges any specific project was seeking to address.  This applied whether developing strategic outcomes and option evaluation frameworks with management in the context of aged care reform or undertaking service reviews with service delivery teams. Their highly collaborative and respectful approach with staff at all levels in the organisations supported meaningful engagement necessary for quality results.  

Together with extensive project management experience, Paul & Wendy’s different skills & perspectives generated healthy discussion and robust solution finding at critical stages and resulted in INCITE information consistently exceeding the project expectations.”

Mike Webb
Special Projects Officer
Banyule City Council (previously City of Whittlesea)

Incite .